We are the first in the industry to introduce the concept of home based ayurvedic treatment with all the treatment equipments ported to the individual's place.

Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Rhuematic Disease

best ayurvedic treatment for rheumatic diseases in kochi

Rheumatoid Disease treatment in Ayurveda

These are a group of auto-immune connective disorders and are growing in incidence over the years.

Conventional treatment is aimed at reducing inflammation and associated symptoms like pain, swelling etc and at preserving joint function by drugs that suppress the immune system. Long term use of these drugs is known to produce severe adverse effects.

  • Common Rheumatologic Conditions
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Polyarthritis
  • Gouty arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Ayurvedic treatment aims
  • Relieving pain and restoring joint function.
  • Controlling inflammation, which is the core of the disease pathogenesis, protection of joints and preserving body and joint function.
  • Achieving remission, preventing complications and minimizing toxic effects of medicines.